Monday, December 20, 2010

Reindeer on the Move

Last week the youth in our ward took their traditional Christmas trip to Temple Square. Even though I am no longer in the Young Women's program, Lance still works with the Young Men and I wanted to come along so we decided to make it a family affair.

We actually ended up being really late and were probably only there for 45 minutes or so, but it was definitely worth it. When you are living so close to Salt Lake City, it really would be a shame not to take the time to see the lights once each Christmas season. Even though I've seen the display several times now during my Provo residency, it takes my breath away each time.

One of the highlights of Temple Square this year is the new cut-away model replica of the Salt Lake Temple. It is absolutely amazing. I think it is not only a great missionary tool, but it is a special treat for members as well. It was really neat to see how all the rooms actually fit together, and to get a "sneak peek" at the areas even regular temple patrons rarely get to see, like the Assembly room and the study where Talmage wrote Jesus the Christ. I wanted to take a picture, but it was much too crowded (which I guess is a good thing). I recommend reading the article and seeing pictures of it here.

Something special about visiting Temple Square in the last few years has been how nostalgic it makes me for Germany. These past few times we have taken the Trax into the city center, which always invokes fond memories of riding the U-bahn. Even walking around Temple Square reminds me of all the Fussgaengerzone (pedestrian areas in the city center) I've trod as a missionary and a visitor in Germany. The only thing missing is the Weihnachtsmarkt! What I wouldn't have given for a piping hot brat, some pommes frites (eaten with a fork, of course), and a deliciously sweet crepe saturated with melting Nutella filling. Mmmm....

All in all, it was a fun time. At least, Lance and I enjoyed it- Andy slept through the whole thing so I'm not sure what he thought of it. But he sure looked cute!

Andy's first train ride!

This outfit is still a little big for him- he's not really this huge!

Pictures never do the lights justice. You'll have to come see them for yourself!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Andy's Blessing

We've had a wonderful weekend. Although it was threatened by Lance coming down with a fever on Thursday, he was feeling better by the next evening and we still got to participate in all the important things we'd planned on.

On Saturday Lance's nephew Morgan was baptized. He asked Lance (his favorite uncle, I'm pretty sure) to confirm him. There is always a special feeling at baptisms and we were glad we were able to support Morgan.

Lance has been so busy lately we haven't had much time together, so the three of us had fun running around and window shopping all afternoon. In fact, we had so much fun that I totally forgot to pick up the sandwiches I ordered at Costco for the family get-together the next day until Costco had already closed! We had to scramble to find something to serve, but it turned out alright and we just laughed about it.

Of course, the crowning event was Andy's blessing on Sunday. We were fortunate to have so many members of Lance's family come, and of course to be able to do the blessing in a ward we have come to love so much. We just wish the Fifes could have been there to make it complete. Grandma Fife bought his blessing outfit, so I felt like you were all there in spirit. Lance did a wonderful job, and thanks to his sister Erin the blessing was recorded and we will be able to transcribe it and save it so that Andy can read it himself someday. We are so grateful to have our sweet Andy in our lives!

Here are some pictures of our wonderful weekend. We wish you all could have been there!

He's getting so big!

The blessing outfit Mom bought. He's almost too big for it!

This looks like a smile, but I think it might be the beginning of a cry...

I think he's saying he's done taking pictures.

Love the bowtie!

One happy family!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Santa's Little Helper

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas in our place! The stockings have been hung in the vicinity of the heater with care- well, two stockings and a baby sock, that is. We also spent a fun Family Home Evening choosing Needles the Third. Lance always does a great job putting on the lights-- he can fit an amazing number of strands on one small tree! But our favorite part so far has been the visit from one of Santa's own little helpers. This is turning out to be the best Christmas ever!

Isn't he adorable?!

Monday, November 29, 2010

What We're Thankful For

This Thanksgiving was a very special one. It's always wonderful to take the time to count our blessings, visit with family, and eat lots of delicious food. We had a great time visiting Lance's brother's family in Erda this year (which is up by Tooele- I know, I had never heard of it either. In fact, I don't even know if I spelled it right). Unfortunately we forgot our camera, but when we got home we did get a picture of what made this Thanksgiving so special:

I guess the real reason why this year was so great was simply because last year Thanksgiving came at the one of the saddest times of my life- the very week I had found out I had miscarried and the day after I had my surgery. So in way, it's been a bittersweet Thanksgiving- bitter as we remember the hurt we experienced last year, and amazingly sweet as we have seen how greatly the Lord has blessed us since then. My testimony has grown of how the Lord truly knows what is best for us and how much He loves us.

With the official arrival of the Christmas season my heart is especially full. This year, I have a greater appreciation for the love our Heavenly Father has for us. I never knew how much my heart could grow until our precious Andy was placed in my arms. If I cringe when my little boy has to get his blood drawn, or when I worry that he is sick or hurting, I catch a glimpse of the deep pain and amazing restraint it took for our Heavenly Father to let His Only Begotten, His own precious Son, suffer so tremendously to bring about the atonement. How grateful I am for that amazing sacrifice! And how thankful I am for this special time of year, when we celebrate the birth of our Redeemer. As I look into my little boy's eyes, I remember that our own Savior was once a tiny baby, born in humble circumstances but destined to save all of mankind. How wonderful to know that because of Jesus Christ we can each be clean and whole, and together we can be a forever family. And that's what we're thankful for!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Cast Your Vote!

Who do you think Andy looks more like-- his mommy or his daddy? (Ignore the fact that Lance has his teeth sticking out in most of the pictures.) These were actually quite difficult to take- I had to try to hold noodle-neck Andy up while Lance snapped a one-handed photo. However, I don't think we could recreate the yawn picture in a hundred takes! It makes me laugh every time I look at it.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Proud Papa

Lance is the cutest daddy ever. We got to go on a couple walks this weekend and part of the purpose was just so Lance could show off his handsome boy to some of our friends and neighbors. I love to watch him puff up his chest and brag about his son!

Monday, November 8, 2010

The Third Piece of Rees has Arrived!

After working 8 of my 12 hour shift, I was able to pass off my laboring patients to my fellow nurses and be admitted myself! Andrew Elliott Rees arrived at 2:50 am on October 30th, 2010 weighing a grand 8 pounds 11 ounces and was 20.5 inches long. No wonder I was so uncomfortable! We are much happier having our not-so-little Andy on the outside rather than on the inside. He's wonderful! But enough with the talk. Here are some pictures of our sweet boy:

Not just a cone head- a tube head is more like it!

Can you get a cuter face?

First family photo! I was pretty swollen by the end, but I'm blaming that puffy face on the IV fluids.

Andy meeting his cousins Morgan and Josh.

Meeting Grandpa Rees

The Billibed of Torture! Andy had to be in this bed 24/7 for two days to help get rid of his jaundice. We're glad he's looking pink again!
Grampa Fife making sure that Andy really is healthy (for his mommy's sake)

Saying goodbye to Grandma and Grampa Fife. Wahh!

Andy learns that just because you can suck on it doesn't mean it will taste good!

We are grateful that both mom and baby (and daddy!) are doing well. Thanks to everyone who sent cards, gifts, and good wishes. We have such awesome friends and family!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Laboring Away

For Labor Day we decided to labor away by going fishing with Lance's family up at the ranch. It's only my second time going, and I can't say that my skills are improving. However, I really did catch a fish this time- only to try pulling it out too soon, resulting in a free grasshopper for the fish and wounded pride for me. Oh well!
Getting the net ready

First fish of the day!
The fish that Lance caught. Pretty big, but not big enough to hide my round belly!

My teacher showing me how it's done

This is where I caught (and lost) my first fish!

Now, if that doesn't seem like hard work, I'll have you know that I did have to go to work that evening. After getting up early and spending the day in the sun, staying up all night with laboring women leaves one completely exhausted. Fortunately for me and my patients (honestly, I feel my critical thinking skills seriously diminish after midnight), I am now officially done with my night shifts! Although there are some fun people I'll miss working with, I look forward to being home every evening with Lance and going to sleep in my own bed at a normal hour. I'd better stock up on sleep while I can... only seven more weeks until our little one arrives!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Fifevergnuegen 2010

This year for our Fife Family Reunion we rented a three story beach house for the 20 of us in Destin, Florida. It was incredibly humid but we managed not to melt away! I've never seen such white, fine sand and the water was always warm. We had fun going across the street to the beach every day, swimming in the pool in the back yard, seeing Le Grand Cirque, shopping, playing games, and just being together. It was wonderful to see everyone again and two years seems way too long to wait for the next one! Here are a few highlight pictures from our adventures in Florida:

I can't believe that after the months of planning and anticipation it is already over. So, where are we going next time? I'm already looking forward to it!