We've been lucky that Andy has been such a healthy boy. However, Dr. Grandpa sure got a panicky call from us last Tuesday when Andy woke up coughing so hard he couldn't breathe. He finally calmed down and was able to sleep, but I was nervous the rest of the night. I took him to the doctor in the morning and found out his barking cough was a classic symptom of the croup. Isn't that what Minnie May almost died of?! While there was no Anne Shirley with her handy ipecac to save the day, a steroid shot and a vaporizer seemed to help and our little boy is on the mend.
Here are some pictures taken the day before he got sick. It's a good thing I took them then, because his nose has been so runny I've almost been afraid his brain is going to ooze out next. In other words, he hasn't been very photogenic lately. Here's our cutie discovering how much he likes snow: