Jonathan has a new accessory.
And isn't he adorable??
I was afraid when I saw the sample helmets, because they sure looked ugly. But now that he has it, he sure makes it look good. It makes his sweet little face look even chubbier! He of course gets very hot and sweaty with his new gear on, so I bought him some cooler outfits for sleeping, such as the one in the picture. It makes him look like a human cannonball. A very cute human cannonball, that is. This helmet should help to correct his plagiocephaly (flat head) over the next few months. He wears it 23 hours a day, and it gets adjusted as he grows. Meanwhile, we are still doing physical therapy exercises to help resolve his torticollis- the tightening in his neck which caused him to spend so much time on his right, leading to the misshapen head. He's doing pretty well with it, and although we are sad and a little frustrated that it came to this, we are certainly glad that such things exist. We just have a very stubborn little boy! Hopefully we can channel that determination in the right direction as he gets older!
Six months old and such a cutie!
Sitting up!
We also had the opportunity to be on the morning news. Good Things Utah did a segment on helmet therapy and we were asked if we wouldn't mind having Jonathan's head scan filmed. So we got our 15 seconds of fame! We show up about half-way through the clip:
All in all, we're grateful that we can get Jonathan's little beanie fixed in a relatively easy way, and glad to know he can still look good while doing it! I mean, how can you go wrong with a face like this, anyway?
It's RUFF being this cute!